A fantasy of mine...

2004-12-07 at 9:06 a.m.

I should be cleaning, but I feel like writing instead.

J continues to have issues with two boys on his bus. I can't seem to get much out of him in the way of details, mainly due to his inability to articulate his words well. He tells me Austin and Alex laugh at him daily. I asked why they were laughing at him, and he mentions something about a book. I can only picture what may be happening - that they're pretending to look at a book, but instead making inappropriate references to J so as not to draw attention to themselves from the bus driver.

I would like to go to the principal with this, but I don't want to talk to him without having some good, solid evidence of bullying. J is a super-sensitive child and things bother him that might not bother other kids. But by the same token, things that should bother him, don't. I suspect that saying something now would only cause the boys to pick on him more. I would rather wait until I have something more to go on, so that the little fuckers can get thrown off the bus.

I put J on the bus yesterday and again today. I kissed him goodbye and waved as he boarded. Then I shot a look of pure venom to the two little bastards in question. When they both looked up at me, I pointed at them, as if to say, "Yes YOU! Your ass is mine!" I hope it put some fear into them.

Remember the scene in "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle" when Rebecca DeMornay grabbed the bully who had been picking on Emma by the arm and told him that if he did it again, she'd "rip his fucking head off"? Well, that's kind of a fantasy of mine. If you're the mother a picked on child - you can relate. Few things feel worse than knowing your own sweet child is the butt of a joke or the laughingstock of a school bus or playground.

J is so sweet and just wants to be everyone's friend. I have to chuckle an evil chuckle when I fantasize about clanking those two little cocksucker's heads together and asking... "You won't be picking on James0n again, will you? I didn't think so.. "

Well, I had better get back to my cleaning (I mean START my cleaning) or I'll hate myself for it. Good day.

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