My Big Fat Finale

2004-02-24 at 9:09 a.m.

I don't really have much of anything to say this morning, but since I don't feel like doing anything else right now, I guess I'll scrape together something resembling an entry.

I'm exhausted. It was another rough night around here. G, although seeming to feeling better, was tossing and turning all night. He was whimpering and fussing too, so sleep was elusive for all of us. I have that haze circling my head that comes from lack of sleep. My entire day will be shot by this, I just know it.

I was pleased with the finale of Big Fat. I like the twist they pulled. I hated Rand! in the beginning. I thought she was a total snob, which is probably still the case, but she grew on me. The only one of her family I even remotely liked was her dad, who reminded me of a thinner, more level headed K. I would have thought "an older K", too until I found out he and K are the same age!!! I guess I keep forgetting that I'm married to a man who's almost 50 years old.

~Heeby Geeby~

I found Rand!'s siblings to be the most superficial assholes I've ever seen, especially the foul-mouthed older brother. I noticed that I never saw him without a beer in his hand and a scowl on his face. The younger sister needed a good swift kick in the ass. I couldn't believe she sat there pouting and crying like a five year old when she was getting her hair done, all because her sister was "marrying" a guy who didn't fit the perfect Coy family demographic.


Anyway, I was happy with the finale. I enjoyed it immensely.

I don't know why it surprised me that Rand!'s father and K were the same age. Maybe it's because all of K's kids, but one, are still quite young, whereas all of Bruce's kids are older. But you figure... if K had kids with his first wife, they'd be in their late 20s! Yikes! I could be a step mother to someone only ten years younger than me!

~More Heeby Geebies~

I guess that's all for now.

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