She gets a new phone

2003-10-08 at 10:13 a.m.

Good morning!

I got a new cell phone over the weekend. I hadn�t planned to. It just happened. I wanted to add free long distance to my wireless plan. Since I leave for California in nine days, twenty two hours and eleven minutes - give or take- I wanted to be able to make and receive calls home without another $400 wireless bill.

We called M and S and asked if they wanted to meet us at the mall for a late lunch and help with the kids while I tended to my wireless dilemma. We met in the food court. I sat down with the kids while S and K got Mr.Wu�s orange chicken for themselves, M and the kids. K then went and got Bayou Chicken for me at the Cajun place. Weird... it�s Asian-owned, so their red beans and rice is one red bean with fried rice! The chicken is fab, though.

After we ate, we went to the kiosk where I purchased the phone originally. The doofas behind the counter informed us I couldn�t get free long distance on my existing phone - that I would have to buy a new phone. Hmmm... seemed suspicious, but what the hell do we know. He explained my new phone to me, then called to have my service switched over. This was a long and tedious process. The kids were getting restless and tired, so S and I went upstairs to rent a stroller. The thrill of the �big red car� stroller only lasted a few minutes, and the fussiness resumed. I left K to deal with the AT&T doofas while I wheeled the stroller around. I guess M and S thought they�d be more useful standing at the kiosk with K, rather than helping me with three unruly children.


I still fail to see why it took the better part of an hour and a half to switch my service over. The doofas stood there bouncing a ball while the rest of us waited, restlessly. Is that a word? Restlessly?

In the meantime, J spotted a display of Wiggles toys at Coach House and fell to pieces when I wouldn�t buy him a Wags the Dog beanie that he already had at home. I could see wanting a new toy, but to throw a fit over wanting something you already have? The kid is troubled.

Finally my phone was operable and we were on our not-so-merry way.

NOTE TO SELF: Add �mall� to the list of places NOT to take children!

We got home, put monsters to bed and I investigated my cute new phone. It�s tiny. I thought my old phone was small - this one is about three quarters the size. It has a chrome face and tons of complicated features. I chose a polyphonic ring tone and programmed all my numbers into it. I charged it up and was ready to roll. I called it from my home number and waited to hear my cool new ring tone.

*Hears silence*

I dial my home number from the cell. I get a readout that said, �Error - card invalid�. So K calls the 800 number and the friendly technician tells us how to reinstall the chip that Mr. Doofas-in-the-kiosk installed improperly. Then, for shits and giggles, K asked the technician if it was correct that we had to buy a new phone to add free long distance. She said �Absolutely not! You didn�t even need to go out! That�s something we could have done right over the phone at no charge!� (Doofas charged us $10 for the plan change) K was livid. He plans to call the kiosk manager and complain. We have the option of returning the phone, but dammit... I�ve fallen in love with it. All I want now is maybe half my money refunded and doofas to be shot by a firing squad for lying to us and making us roam the mall for an hour and a half with three screaming bashees when we could have handled all of this from the comfort (?) of our own home.

The phone is a �Siemens� brand, which still makes me giggle like a ten year old. �Ewww! I have Siemen on me phone!� Hehehehe... I so immature.

I chose �Canon� by Pachelbel as my ring tone, which is the most beautiful song ever written. Among many others, I had the choice of a barking dog, quacking duck, meowing cat and wailing ambulance. As many emergency vehicles that go down this busy street, I�d likely never hear that ring tone.

Six days until Clay�s CD is released and L turns ...


9 days until my vacation!

I'm wearing: blue, white and yellow shooting star jammies

I'm listening to: "Oh Mommy LOOK!!" by J

I'm eating/drinking: diet coke and my meds

Current weather conditions in St. Charles, MO: sunny and 66 degrees (it�s gonna be hot today!)

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