American Idol Drama

2004-04-01 at 8:32 a.m.

Well, it's official as of this morning..








April Fool!

Don't you recongize my sick sense of humor by now?

On a serious note, American Idol never ceases to amaze me.

I sometimes wonder if the entire thing is rigged for entertainment purposes and shock value. How someone like Camile isn't even in the bottom three, while La Toya is, is positively shocking. I was grateful, at least, to see that LaToya's walk was the shortest in AI history, as she happily strolled back to safety.

Alot of people were expecting John to have been in the bottom three, but I'm not really surprised he wasn't. He has a huge following. I think his fans, like me, would continue to vote for him despite his off-performance.

I felt sorry for John. He knew he had done badly and was fully expecting to be in the bottom three, if not the lowest vote-getter of all. He looked as if he was on the verge of tears as they called other contestants down to the stage. I'm sure he felt horrible for them, as if he should have been there instead. The camera kept going to him.

Over and over, the camera kept catching shots of John with his lower lip quivering and after awhile it started to annoy me. Why? Why did they keep panning over to him? Did the camera crew in their infinite wisdom think he should have been voted off or sumpin?

I think between Jennifer and Amy, Jennifer defintely should have bid the Idol Mansion fond adeu. Even before her, should have been Camile. It's all reminescent of season one, where Nikki continued to remain "safe" while talented people, like Tamyra Gray packed their bags. And Nikki's career speaks for itself, dontcha think?

~* Sarcasm *~

Confirming your theory that I need a life, I voted for John 653 times. Getting through an average of eight times per minute, and falling asleep, phone in hand after an hour and a half or so... I contributed 653 votes. I've toned down the hysteria from last year, where I had my landline and two cell phones voting for Clay, on average 600 - 1,000 times per night. It was, after all...

~*~ ! CLAY ! ~*~

You're right - I could use a life.

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