I hate coming up with titles...

2004-08-11 at 1:17 p.m.

If you missed my previous entry, be sure to check it out soon, because I plan to delete it. I never know who's reading and I don't want to take chances.

Last night, E finally got to go over to L's house. L's mom invited E over two weekends ago, then forgot she had. She called last week to invite him over this past weekend, but we could never get a time squared away. Yesterday, she called again and invited him over. I drove him over and dropped him off. I came home and let J play a game online. I didn't think to check my messages when he got offline. I should have.

K came home and took J swimming at the Y and I installed G's seat into K's car. I drove back to L's house to retrieve E. L's sister, K, opened the door and said "E is feeling better now."


Had I checked messages, I'd have known that L's mom called to say that E had thrown up! She made him dinner, he ate, then proceeded to lose all of it on their bathroom floor. I felt so bad - I had no idea this had happened. She then told me that L had the same thing the day before. She thinks it can be attributed to some jelly beans leftover from Easter, because E ate some and immediately felt ill.

I felt bad for them that E had blown chunks all over their bathroom floor, but I can't help but wonder WTF they gave E something they knew had already made their child sick? Hello??

Anyway, when I didn't call them back, they went ahead and let E and L swim. E felt tons better after that and didn't want to leave to go home. It appears whatever made him sick is out of his system, because he's fine now. Thankfully...

All I need with school starting in just over a week is a houseful of puking boys and a puking woman too ill to care for them.


My hair dryer/curling iron combo broke. Damn.


My wireless payment was sent back due to them not being able to cancel the postage. Self-adhesive postage scares me (in my old neighborhood, people used to steal them), so I always reinforce stamps with glue or tape. Apparently because of the tape, the machine couldn't cancel the stamp. Oh brother... technology at its finest. As low as my bank balance was, I assumed that not only did the bill reach its destination, but that it had been paid, as well. Now, it'll have to wait until next payday. I'm already over on my minutes for this month - what else is new - so I hope I don't get shut off for non-payment, too.


Well, J is pestering me for the computer, so I better end this. Later.

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