Wednesday, November 24, 2004

2004-11-24 at 11:12 a.m.

Here in the suburbs of St. Louis, it's snowing like a bitch. I was awakened rather late this morning, to the sound of "prickly rain" as my children so fondly refer to it. In adult terms: freezing rain, sleet, ICE. The temps have steadily dropped since then, causing the precip to become solid SNOW. It's so beautiful. I basked in its beauty and pureness...


I have to grocery shop. I have to Christmas shop. I don't need to worry about whether the wet pavement is actually a sheet of ice onto which I will plop my sizable ass should I slip. Slipping and falling on ass is one of my biggest fears. I've been known to stand on grass, looking at my front walk and driveway, wondering if it's safe to place a foot onto it to retrieve my mail.

Once, when I was eight months pregnant with E, I slipped and fell on the ice. My center of gravity was thrown off anyway, having a then seven pound person attached to my front. But add ice to the mix and I was doomed from the start.

Every five minutes, one of my brilliant children goes running to the window and hollers, "IT'S SNOWING!" as if this is the first time they've seen it today.

And for the fortieth time, NO you cannot go out and build a flippin' snowman. Fortunately, it isn't sticking too well to anything that isn't a roof or a vehicle. Let's hope it stays that way, eh? Have I mentioned how much I hate snow, ice and all that accompanies winter?

If I don't update before then , everyone please have a happy, safe and food-filled Thanksgiving!

Things for which I am thankful:

~ my beautiful sons

~ my family, including that husband of mine

~ my wonderful home

~ my reasonable health

~ my great friends

~ awesome neighbors

~ our incredible school district

~ the internet

~ Diaryland

~ that spring is only four months away


~ my beach condo and the opportunity to visit it twice a year

~ you guys!

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