The countdown continues...

2003-08-06 at 3:38 p.m.


Yes, I know it's been ages since I updated this diary. I hang my head in shame.

I'm absolutely giddy at the thought of soon seeing Clay up close and personal! Eleven days from today! I still haven't a clue what to wear. Last year's AI outfit is out, because that was November... this is August. Not to mention I'm a good ten pounds heavier than I was then. Old age is a bitch.

I'm still amazed at Clay's popularity. Even my mother, who certainly isn't in any "Clay circles" said, "Wasn't the guy who won someone named... Romero, no Ruben!?? I never heard anything he sings."

It's true. Ruben doesn't have a tenth the popularity that my Clay does. Check it out for yourself. Do a search on ebay for Ruben Studdard, then do one for Clay Aiken. Clay's the one people can't get enough of.

I only yesterday heard a Ruben song on the radio. It was the Carpenter's song he did in one of his AI performances. Being a closet Carpenters fan, I can't listen to Ruben's version of this song.

I'm going to have a busy few weeks coming up - between moving to an apartment, storing everything I own and building a new house. I will however, try to find some time to get absolutely maniacal with excitement over this concert.

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