Dying computers and a fear of driving!

2004-02-04 at 12:35 p.m.

If I can actually post this entry, it'll be a miracle. My computer, born June 1, 1998, is about to head to the Compaq scrap heap in the sky. I'm never allowed to stay online for more than about five minutes, before having to reboot. I can check my email, but I'm not permitted to reply to any messages or open any attachments, unless I reboot first.

If I want to proceed directly to ebay after checking email, I first have to reboot. When I say "reboot", I mean I have to shut the computer off at the power source. I can't "shut down" or "restart" through Windows or even hit ctrl/alt/del. I get error messages about programs I never knew I had and the screen freezes up and does nothing.

I'm sure I have viruses, I'm sure I need to defrag and I'm sure I have tons of memory being eaten up by useless shit.

I saw a Dell on sale over the weekend that came with a free CD burner, for $18 a month, bought on time. I begged, "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! I been a good girl! PLEASE!" to K, but was told we'd have to wait until we refinanced the house, so our credit remains untainted.


I wanna new kapooter!


While I'm on a roll and not getting booted off this piece of shit, I'll move onto another subject...

I still have absolutely no information about the accident Monday. I've scoured the internet and even called the local police department. The only place I haven't tried is our little local paper that came out today. (It isn't delviered out here yet) Their online version of the news was absolutely useless. I hope to go to the library tonight and scour every inch of it for info. I feel like I can't rest until I know the woman's name and if the guy in the truck was arrested or ticketed, and for what.

I still haven't been out since that accident. I'm terrified to drive. K took the boys to the Y last night to swim. It didn't occur to me until they pulled out of the driveway that I had allowed them to be transported in a vehicle! I've been in panic mode since Monday at 4:20pm, anyway, but when several hours passed last night and they still weren't home, I was a basket case.

My calm, cool inner voice, that rarely shows itself, said that the reason K wasn't answering his cell phone was because they were still in the pool. But the panic-stricken traumatized accident-witness just knew that they'd been killed in a head on collision.

Of course, they were fine and arrived home safe and sound shortly afterwards. I had completely forgotten K was going to gas my car and stop at the store for a few things after they swam.

I wonder how much of my life I've wasted worrying?

One thing I forgot to have K get was diapers for G. He's wearing his next to last one now and judging by the look on his face, it's been filled unpleasantly. I guess this means I have no choice but to load the kids up and shop.

I'm not sure I can drive!

Well, hopefully when I get hit head on today, there'll be more about it in the paper than the accident Monday.

I'll keep you posted.

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