Uh, hello? PEOPLE??

2003-05-01 at 9:50 a.m.

Linda writes:

I'm still in shock. Ruben in the bottom two? WTF, America? Either Ruben voters became complacent or the entire voting process is suspect. Is Josh the Nikki McKibbin of the '03 season? Did direct orders to vote for Josh come down to all those enlisted in the armed forces? I still can't figure it out. It scares me. It makes me realize that maybe Clay isn't as safe as we would all believe. If Josh is allowed to stay another week, we'll know something smells besides the underarms of Ruben's "205" shirts.

Did you see the look on Simon's face when Ruben was called down to join Trenyce in the lowest~form~of~life spotlight? I feel sorry for Josh. You know he had to have been packed and ready to go home after Tuesday's fiasco. Then to have to stay knowing how badly he sucked, all because America is on this patriotic bandwagon.

"Oh since we're at war, let's vote for the military man, even though he sucks major ass!"

Wake up, voters.

Questions about Trenyce... how could someone who takes olive oil shots still only weigh four pounds?

Second question about Trenyce... does she have a brother named Trenephew?

Well, I've pontificated enough for the day. Over and out.

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