My Weekend, Thus Far...

2004-03-27 at 5:32 p.m.

I don't know why I'm so tired, but I can barely hold my head up. I'll try to bang out something resembling an entry before my head hits the keyboard.

Last night, K and I went out to dinner with friends of his from Chicago who were in town visiting. I had heard alot about F and his wife P for many years, but this was my first time meeting either one of them.

They arrived late, and after a tour of our new home and a long drive into St. Louis to the restaurant, I was dead on my feet. I managed to hold my own in the conversation and not reach over and wipe anyone's mouth out of habit. F told some stories that made me spit my Bahama Mama across the table. I'd never laughed so hard! Oh and yes, you read that right...

L had a beverage containing alcohol!!

It was pretty good, I guess. I kept my drinking to a minimum, since after one rum-laced drink, someone started spinning the room on me. I know my limits and with alcohol, they're low. It'll probably be another five years before I drink again. It just doesn't interest me much.

Anyhoo, the food was incredible, as it always is. I really enjoyed F's and P's company, even though P is so unbelievably gorgeous, I wanted to bitch-slap her all through dinner. I asked her about her medical transcriptioning business and she asked me about ebay, something with which she was totally unfamiliar. (Can you imagine??)

We got home around 11:00pm and I found a message on the counter top, from S...

"L, call Treavor"

(By the way, the name is spelled T-R-E-V-O-R, but S is from Jef-ferson County where they don't teach no good spellin... )

T is my brother, for those of you, like myself, unfamiliar with his relationship to me. It takes an act of congress for him to pick up the phone and call me, so when I heard he had called, I assumed one or more of my parents had dropped dead.

I questioned S as to the demeanor of T as he spoke. She said he just called to say hi and sounded really upbeat, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

I slept like a stone last night and was completely unaware that G had gotten into bed with us, nor was I aware of how or when the Arthur board book got down my pajama top. I'm assuming G was responsible, but he isn't talking.

This morning, E and I went to Target for some things. I bought the kids a new Wiggles DVD and E a Harry Potter video he can watch in his room.

I almost bought an outfit. It was the most beautiful shade of pale pink. The pants were capris (they were a size 14!!!) and the blouse to match was fitted. I was so thrilled that the smaller sizes fit that it took me awhile to realize that I looked like a scrub nurse in it. I decided against buying it.

We stopped at STL Bread Co. for lunch then we came home.

I called T back and we had a nice chat. We're making plans to get together next month when mom and I drive through the valley.

Well, it appears all hell is breaking loose, so I better end this. My life, that is... just kidding.

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