Woe is me...

2004-06-24 at 9:51 a.m.

Ho hum... not much going on here lately. The kids are bored to tears and anxious for school to start. We spoke to the principal of the new school and informed him what they were in for. (For what they were in?) Anyway, we gave them a heads up as to what to expect this year. I'm sure he hung up the phone and said, "Oh shit. Why did those people move into my district??"

He told us to bring him the boys' IEPs and from there we could fill out registration forms. He said they didn't have a para available for E and would have to hire one. We told him that the para at E's old school was willing to apply and accept a job if she could work solely with E. I can't express how grateful I am for that! He said they would be willing to hire her.

If this could happen - do you know what a relief that would be to me? To know that Mrs. M would be accompanying E throughout his day? I wouldn't give him a moment's worry knowing she was with him.

J may not even need an IEP. He met all of his IEP goals last year, so they may not even draw up a new one for him. I wish he was as compliant at home as he was last year at school.

G has been using the potty!! He even asks me to take him, which is certainly something new to me. The other boys had to be taken, bodily, to the bathroom. E trained at three and J at four! It would be wonderful if G was completely trained by his third birthday.

The weather has been glorious. Not too hot and with exceptionally low humidity. Not at all like June in St. Louis. I love it.

As far as me... not much is going on in my life either. My mind wanders back to a different time - a time when I had distinct plans for the future and was elated about it. Those plans have been squashed and I'm incredibly sad about it. I wish I could let the "what might have beens" go, but I can't. They're all I think about.

Oh how I wish things could have been different.

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