Evan's Pdoc Appointment

2004-06-17 at 7:38 a.m.

E's doctor's appointment went well. He actually interacted with the doctor, as opposed to just sitting there like a bump on a log, like he usually does. I had typed a list of things to discuss with her and she talked to E about them.

One of the concerns we had was how E always intercedes when we discipline the other boys. I always seem to have to stop disciplining J to instead discilpine E for interrupting and saying something inappropriate.

We're concerned, of course, about the back talk, mocking and disobedience. I explained how E gets himself so out of control that he's impossible to handle. In the past, Dr. C has recommended that we give E a "floater" pill to take the edge off his hyperactivity when this happens. The problem is, once E got to that point, he wasn't willing to take a pill, which always lead to him having a rage. After that, there was nothing I could do to calm him down. No punishment would stick, because he was too "whacked out" to respond to anything. It's like he wasn't of sound mind.

Because of this, I suggested we try something time-released. We no longer needed meds that worked all at once, but something that worked continually throughout the day. She gave us some samples of Str-at-erra. I know several of the kids even went to school with are on Strate-rr-a, with alot of success. I plan to start him on it Saturday. K's out of town today and tomorrow and I'm not about to try something new without Kn here to help. Several years ago, E was given a prescription for Con-cer-ta and I started him on it while K was out of town. Oh. My. God. E was up running laps through the house for three days straight. I'm not about to go through that again without help.

Keep your fingers crossed it works for him.

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