Oh, just some random shit...

2004-02-18 at 10:49 a.m.

I think I may have found funds for my trip. K gets a third paycheck in May. Provided we can stay on top of bills between now and then, I should be able to use that money. Of course, I'll have to purchase my airline tickets before then, so that may be the death of my plan, but it still looks pretty hopeful that I will be going to CA this summer. Of course, I still have to hear back from my mom as to the availability of the condo. If that falls through, I'll have to come up with a different plan.

E is home sick today. He developed a sore throat at school and his para brought him out to the parents pick-up line as soon as I arrived. It's almost 11:00am and he's still snoozing away. He even requested that I keep him home, which proves how awful he must feel. And he didn't even watch American Idol last night, hehehe... Imagine how bad he'd feel if he had!

I'm still reeling from that horrendous group last night. I get the full-body shiver going whenever I think about it. Wouldn't it be fitting if Ryan came out tonight and said, "You all go home - no one got a single vote!" I think we've yet to see the "American Idol" perform.

I told you there would never be another Clay. I miss seeing him every week.

I have such a headache today. G pelted me upside the head with a flying disc this morning. I've yet to recover.

Today it's supposed to be in the mid- 50s and tomorrow is my wonderful, much anticipated 60 degree day!! Yay! Now all the snow will hurry up and fucking melt and I'll be in much better spirits. I'm so glad we bought a south facing house. Our yard (mud) and driveway have been snow-free for over a week, but the people across the street from us still have a rink in their driveways. It hasn't even melted enough to shovel away yet.

I'm getting boring so it's time to stop. Have a great mid-50s day. I will!

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