Past Fives

2004-01-31 at 9:51 a.m.

There's a real entry for today - very exciting!! (Nt) Be sure to check it out! Here are some past fives...

At this moment, what is your favorite... ~~~~ "This Love" by Maroon 5 ~~~~ Mexican show? ~~~~ Duh - American Idol

...scent? ~~~~ the ocean

...quote? ~~~~ "It's better to be pissed off than pissed on... "

What does it say in the signature line of your emails? ~~~~ Linda (do you think it's too wordy??)

Did you have a senior quote in your high school yearbook? What was it? If you haven't graduated yet, what would you like your quote to be? ~~~~ Oh Christ... high school is such a blur

If you had vanity plates on your car, what would they read? If you already have them, what do they say? ~~~~ AIKEN4CLAY, no I don't have them

Have you received any gifts with messages engraved upon them? What did the inscription say? ~~~~ nope

What would you like your epitaph to be? ~~~~ Here lies a fat slob who couldn't pry her big fast ass off the computer chair and she was too old to be obsessed with Clay Aiken...

What one thing are you most looking forward to . . . ~~~~ the kids going to bed

...over the next week? ~~~~ the kids going to bed

...this year? ~~~~ getting the rest of my house unpacked and decorated

...over the next five years? ~~~~ getting the rest of my house unpacked and decorated

...for the rest of your life? ~~~~ getting the rest of my house unpacked and decorated and getting my kids out of my house (Actually, the thought of my kids leaving home makes me sick with sadness... )

List your five favorite beverages. ~~~~ Caffeine free diet coke, flavored coffee, orange juice, chocolate milk and more flavored coffee

List your five favorite websites. ~~~~ Ebay, fotolog, diaryland, Clay Aiken online and Clayton Aiken dot com

List your five favorite snack foods. ~~~~ potato chips, cookies, donuts, pudding and french fries (Do we see a problem here??)

List your five favorite board and/or card games. ~~~~ Scrabble... I really don't play other games much

List your five favorite computer and/or game system games ~~~~ Don't do computer games

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