Chasing the Ever Elusive Zzzz's

2004-06-06 at 9:13 a.m.

Grrr... I'm functioning on no sleep.

I'm so tired of not getting a proper amount of rest because of others' inconsideration, however inadvertant it may be.

I'm tired of listening to snoring night after night.

I'm tired of a two year old choosing to conduct his night terrors in my bed, instead of his own.

I'm tired of being awakened at the crack of ass by other people and their noise - especially when those people are ones to whom I gave the gift of life. I have forgotten what it's like to awaken on my own, after a full night's rest.

I got up at 1:50 this morning and checked on E. I discovered him wide awake. I was shocked at what he was doing. It's something no mother is prepared to find her son doing at 2:00am...


Math homework, at that! I suspect he was up the majority of the remainder of the night, as well. Then he and K got up at 4:00am and began their journey to Indiana. I bet E is as tired as I am right now.

I want my own room. I want my own bed that no one shares. Believe it or not, I've always thought the practice of sharing a bed with someone to be unnatural. I don't know why, but ever since the first time I "spent the night" with K, it felt strange. Sleep is personal. I don't think it should shared, especially if the person with whom you're sharing is an inconsiderate sleeper.

I never wanted us to be "one of those couples" who have separate rooms, but right now, lack of decent slumber is causing me to think differently.

I know I'm a picky sleeper. Unlike my oldest son who requires a bright light in his eyes and loud, sustained booming sounds exuding from a television, I require pitch blackness and complete silence in order to sleep.

Thank god for coffee, is all I can say.

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